Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 Articles On The Future Of Medical Care

Here are 2 articles on what we can expect in the future regarding medical care, particularly in the E.R. Read both articles in their entirety and give me your opinions on each.

The first article link is from

This deals with how the government will pay for medical care in the future. The article basically says that the government will pay the hospitals based on quality of care not quantity of patients served.

The second article is from

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Medical Supplies and Training

For those of you that don't have medical supplies on hand I would suggest you get some. Besides being used for the obvious cuts and scrapes they will be highly sought after during and after a collapse. I'm no doctor and don't claim to be one. These are just my suggestions.

Everyone should have basic medical supplies on hand. The basic supplies should include at the bare minimum of Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Neosporin (or equivalent), Band-aids, Gauze pads, and medical tape. With the above on hand basic cuts and scrapes which can happen anytime can be taken care of.

There are a lot more medical supplies and equipment you should probably have on hand but the above is what I recommend for everyday cuts and scrapes. For a more in depth list of medical supplies/equipment to keep on hand see the following sites.

As for training you can either sign up for classes from the above sites or take the basic first aid class from the red cross or a community college. Regarding the list of medical supplies/equipment they show most of them will require you to be trained before they can be used.

Do not use any medical supply/equipment you are unfamiliar with before you receive training on the proper use of said supply/equipment. Even if you do not plan to use any of the medical supplies/equipment or decide not to get medical training I would still recommend stocking as much of these supplies/equipment you can. Anything you have (especially food and medical supplies) can be used for barter.